What Does An Aviation Lawyer Do?

Aviation Lawyer

It is unfathomable to be involved in a catastrophic airplane accident. The crash itself can result in serious, often fatal, injuries to everyone involved and serious property damage. Not only have you been involved in a life-changing, traumatic event. But building an aviation accident case by an Aviation Lawyer is often significantly more complex. Than establishing an automobile or road accident case. Evidence may be affected or obscured by severe impact damage, making it difficult to make a strong case to prove the true cause of injuries or make wrongful death claims. In addition, many factors play a role in the immediate need for aviation accident victims to recover, including medical care, several legal issues, and the need for representation from an experienced legal counsel to handle many responsibilities, which can include correspondence with hospitals, airlines, insurance companies, funeral homes, and others.


Choosing the right aviation accident attorney is important at this point.

Common Causes of airline disasters


There are numerous causes of airline disasters:

Human/Pilot Error:

Many aviation accidents are caused by human errors. Such as improper take-off/landing procedures, an early descent, a high landing speed, a failure to refuel, and navigation errors. And miscalculations on the part of the pilot or air traffic controller.


Equipment Malfunction:

Several aviation accidents are caused by equipment failures, such as engine failure or structural design defects. If a part fails, the manufacturer of that part may be held liable for the accident. Likewise, if the equipment malfunctioned due to negligent maintenance, the plane’s owner could be held liable.


Act of God:

Sometimes aviation accidents occur due to what the law refers to as Acts of God. Such as storms, cyclones, bad weather, etc. Though no one can be held responsible for bad weather, a pilot or aviation company can be held accountable for failing to check the weather and underestimating the dangers, resulting in the accident.

Terrorist activity, ground crew error, passenger negligence, improper cargo loading, runway obstructions, and in-flight fires are also common causes.

What Does An Aviation Lawyer Do?


Air travel is one of the safest modes of travel, but it is almost always a devastating event that makes headlines around the world. When an accident occurs. When traveling at high speeds a mile above the ground with volatile chemicals aboard. Even the most minor mistake can lead to disaster. Following these occurrences, many families believe they are entitled to answers from the airline, and it is often the case that these can only be obtained through legal proceedings.


Tips for legal proceedings

  • In the aftermath of an accident, airlines will often closely guard their inquiries. If victims’ families want to know what caused the accident, hiring an aviation accident lawyer is often necessary and taking the case to court.


  • Aviation law is a highly specialized field, and a high street solicitor may not be up to the task, especially since airlines often have a large budget at their disposal. However, hiring a specialized aviation lawyer can help give your claim the best chance of success.


  • Many of them have a large budget for defending themselves in the case of legal action, and this often intimidates people. Though many potential claimants simply want to know what happened and why to hold someone responsible. Hopefully, prevent it from happening again, it is common for them to be hesitant to file a claim due to the possibility of losing.


  • A good aviation lawyer will provide a free consultation before any claims are made. Thoroughly investigate the matter before advising the potential claimant on the likelihood of the case succeeding. Contacting a specialized aviation lawyer if your family has been affected by an air disaster is a valuable action.


  • Evidence from airplane wreckage should be gathered and documented as soon as possible after the crash—before it is moved or tampered with. Weather and air traffic control data must also be collected. With such a short time frame, you must contact an attorney as soon as possible after an aviation accident. 


Final Words

An aviation accident attorney will help you evaluate the potential risks in your case by drawing on their knowledge of airplane regulations, such as aircraft operation and flight safety. Choosing an attorney who can cultivate relationships with consultants and expert witnesses is critical to developing a comprehensive case with their specific needs understood and met. Therefore, hiring an aviation accident lawyer rather than a non-aviation lawyer. Who may overlook important details due to a lack of experience is preferable.


About Author  


Lewis G. Khashan is the founder and practicing attorney at Khashan Law Firm. He is a Personal Injury Attorney having over 20 years of combined experience. Representing seriously injured clients in California and obtaining millions of dollars in monetary compensation on their behalf.


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